希望以下整理出來的免費諮詢資訊對你有很大幫助 能趕快順利週轉。
就會有人跟你連絡了 (就不用再花錢自己打電話了) 

















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據英國《每日星報》4月1日報導,因疫情封鎖被困印度的英國夫婦——傑里米·威克斯和梅勒妮·威克斯於4月1日乘飛機返回英國,但並不是因為夫婦二人等來了英國政府的援助,而是他們自己設法購買了高價機票。近日,夫婦向媒體透露了二人在印度依靠薯片飽腹的「難忘度假體驗」。 ... 3月8日,計程車司機傑里米與妻子到印度果阿邦度假遊玩,二人原計劃在3月29日離開,卻沒有料到,印度政府在夫婦二人毫無察覺的情況下宣布疫情封鎖,關閉了機場。 ... 傑里米對媒體透露稱,在印度宣布封鎖之前他們沒有得到任何警告,所以也沒有準備任何補給。傑里米租住公寓的屋主安排他們購買了食物,但即便如此,他們依然只能靠薯片和一些餅乾生存,因為沒有新鮮的水果和蔬菜。傑里米解釋說:「印度政府本打算開放一些基本服務,比如食品和藥品,但果阿邦政府卻讓商店關門,所有人的食物都吃光了,這真的是難以想像。」 ... 「印度政府不讓我們出門,外面有警察在巡邏,一些商店也因為被警察襲擊而暫停營業。他們在印度有點暴力,我知道有兩個人就被警察狠狠地打了一頓。」 「我們只是想讓英國政府把我們送回家。瑞典人被帶回家了,三輛德國客車開往了機場,俄羅斯和法國的航班也起飛了。」 這對夫婦認為,英國政府本該採取更多的措施讓滯留在印度的英國人更快回家,但他們詢問時,英國外交部卻告訴他們要「靜觀其變」。傑里米表示,他們已經向外交部登記了自己的詳細信息,但被其告知要耐心等待。 ... 據媒體報導稱,有多達800名英國人被困在果阿,成千上萬的人簽署了一份請願書,希望英國政府把他們送回家。英國外交大臣多米尼克·倫尼·拉布在本周宣布了一項計劃,預計將幫助最多6萬名滯留海外的英國遊客回國。 而對傑里米和梅勒妮來說,救援人員來得太晚了,因為他們已經花高價訂好了回家的機票。傑里米稱,航空公司售出了高達2000英鎊(約17600元人民幣)的單程機票,而在正常情況下,單程機票的價格通常在500英鎊(約4400元人民幣)左右。 「我們沒有得到政府的幫助,我們感覺被遺棄了。」






Chapter 1
Enquiring about Holding a Conference 會議諮詢
Section 1 Listening Activities  16
A Spot Dictation 16
B Multiple Choices 16
C Passage Dictation 19
Tape script & Answers  20
A Spot Dictation  20
B Multiple Choices  20
C Passage Dictation  23
Section 2 Interpretation Activities  23
A Sentence Interpretation 23
B Passage Interpretation 24
Reference Answers  26
A Sentence Interpretation  26
B Passage Interpretation  27
Section 3 Speaking Activities  28
A Specialized Terms 28
B Sample Conversation 28
C Functional Expressions 29
D Speaking Up 30
E Role-play 31

Chapter 2
Booking an Event 招展商會展預訂
Section 1 Listening Activities  34
A Spot Dictation 34
B Multiple Choices 35
C Passage Dictation 37
Tape script & Answers  38
A Spot Dictation  38
B Multiple Choices  38
C Passage Dictation  41
Section 2 Interpretation Activities  41
A Sentence Interpretation 41
B Passage Interpretation 42
Reference Answers  44
A Sentence Interpretation  44
B Passage Interpretation  45
Section 3 Speaking Activities  46
A Specialized Terms 46
B Sample Conversation 46
C Functional Expressions 47
D Speaking Up 48
E Role-play 48
Reference Answers  49
D Speaking Up  49

Chapter 3
Event Planning and Budgeting 會展策劃與預算
Section 1 Listening Activities  50
A Spot Dictation 50
B Multiple Choices 51
C Passage Dictation 53
Tape script & Answers:  53
A Spot Dictation  53
B Multiple Choices  54
C Passage Dictation  57
Section 2 Interpretation Activities  57
A Sentence Interpretation 57
B Passage Interpretation 58
Reference Answers  60
A Sentence Interpretation  60
B Passage Interpretation  61
Section 3 Speaking Activities  61
A Specialized Terms 61
B Sample Conversation 62
C Functional Expressions 63
D Speaking Up 63
E Role-play 63
Reference Answers  64
A Specialized Terms  64
D Speaking Up  64

Chapter 4
Providing Exhibit Information 提供展覽資訊
Section 1 Listening Activities  66
A Spot Dictation 66
B Multiple Choices 67
C Passage Dictation 69
Tape script & Answers  69
A Spot Dictation  69
B Multiple Choices  70
C Passage Dictation  72
Section 2 Interpretation Activities  72
A Sentence Interpretation 72
B Passage Interpretation 73
Reference Answers  75
A Sentence Interpretation  75
B Passage Interpretation  75
Section 3 Speaking Activities  76
A Specialized Terms 76
B Sample Conversation77
C Functional Expressions 78
D Speaking Up 79
E Role-play 79
Reference Answers  79
A Specialized Terms  79
D Speaking Up  79

Chapter 5
Visiting Foreign Exhibitors 拜會贊助商
Section 1 Listening Activities  82
A Spot Dictation 82
B Multiple Choices 83
C Passage Dictation 85
Tape script & Answers  85
A Spot Dictation  85
B Multiple Choices  86
C Passage Dictation  88
Section 2 Interpretation Activities  89
A Sentence Interpretation 89
B Passage Interpretation 90
Reference Answers  91
A Sentence Interpretation  91
B Passage Interpretation  92
Section 3 Speaking Activities  93
A Specialized Terms 93
B Sample Conversation94
C Functional Expressions 95
D Speaking Up 95
E Role-play 96
Refenecne Answer  96
A Specialized Terms  96
D Speaking Up  96

Chapter 6
Negotiating on Exhibiting Space 展位談判
Section 1 Listening Activities  98
A Spot Dictation 98
B Multiple Choices 99
C Passage Dictation  101
Tape script & Answers: 102
A Spot Dictation  102
B Multiple Choices  102
C Passage Dictation  104
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 105
A Sentence Interpretation  105
B Passage Interpretation  105
Reference Answers 106
A Sentence Interpretation  106
B Passage Interpretation  107
Section 3 Speaking Activities 108
A Specialized Terms  108
B Sample Conversation 109
C Functional Expressions  110
D Speaking Up  111
E Role-play  112
Refenence Answer 112
A Specialized Terms  112
D Speaking Up  113

Chapter 7
Hiring A Stand 申請展位
Section 1 Listening Activities 114
A Spot Dictation  114
B Multiple Choices  115
C Passage Dictation  117
Tape script & Answers 117
A Spot Dictation  117
B Multiple Choices  118
C Passage Dictation  120
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 121
A Sentecce Interpretation  121
B Passage Interpretation  122
Reference Answers 123
A Sentecce Interpretation  123
B Passage Interpretation  124
Section 3 Speaking Activities 125
A Specialized Terms  125
B Sample Conversation  125
C Functional Expressions  126
D Speaking Up  127
E Role-play  128
Reference Answers 128
A Specialized Terms  128
D Speaking Up  129

Chapter 8
Personal Sales Calls 銷售拜訪( 電話)
Section 1 Listening Activities 130
A Spot Dictation  130
B Multiple Choices  131
C Passage Dictation  133
Tape script & Answers: 133
A Spot Dictation  133
B Multiple Choices  134
C Passage Dictation  136
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 137
A Sentence Interpretation  137
B Passage Interpretation  138
Reference Answer 140
A Sentence Interpretation  140
B Passage Interpretation  141
Section 3 Speaking Activities 142
A Specialized Terms  142
B Sample Conversation 142
C Functional Expressions  143
D Speaking Up  144
E Role-play  144
Reference Answer 145
A Specialized Terms  145

Chapter 9
Hiring People and Loaning Properties 租借物品/ 租用人員
Section 1 Listening Activities 146
A Spot Dictation  146
B Multiple Choices  147
C Passage Dictation  149
Tape script & Answers: 150
A Spot Dictation  150
B Multiple Choices  151
C Passage Dictation  153
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 154
A Sentence Interpretation  154
B Passage Interpretation  155
Reference Answers 156
B Passage Interpretation  157
Section 3 Speaking Activities 158
A Specialized Terms  158
B Sample Conversation 158
C Functional Expressions  159
D Speaking Up  159
E Role-play  160
Reference Answer 160
A Specialized Terms  160
D Speaking Up  160

Chapter 10
Safety and Security Service 安保服務
Section 1 Listening Activities 162
A Spot Dictation  162
B Multiple Choices  163
C Passage Dictation  165
Tape script & Answers: 166
A Spot Dictation  166
B Multiple Choices  166
C Passage Dictation  168
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 169
A Sentence Interpretation  169
B Passage Interpretation  169
Reference Answer 171
A Sentence Interpretation  171
B Passage Interpretation  172
Section 3 Speaking Activities 173
A Specialized Terms  173
B Sample Conversation 173
C Functional Expressions  174
D Speaking Up  174
E Role-play  174
Reference Answer 175
A Specialized Terms  175
D Speaking Up  175

Chapter 11
Helping with Post-Conference Logistics 會後物流服務
Section 1 Listening Activities 176
A Spot Dictation  176
B Multiple Choices  177
C Passage Dictation  179
Tape script & Answers 180
A Spot Dictation  180
B Multiple Choices  181
C Passage Dictation  182
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 183
A Sentence Interpretation  183
B Passage Interpretation  184
Reference Answer 186
A Sentence Interpretation  186
B Passage Interpretation  186
Section 3 Speaking Activities 187
A Specialized Terms  187
B Sample Conversation 188
C Functional Expressions  189
D Speaking Up  189
E Role-play  190
Refernece Answer 190
A Specialized Terms  190
D Speaking Up  191

Chapter 12
Opening and Reception 開幕與酒會
Section 1 Listening Activities 192
A Spot Dictation  192
B Multiple Choices  193
C Passage Dictation  195
Tape script & Answers 196
A Spot Dictation  196
B Multiple Choices  196
C Passage Dictation  198
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 199
A Sentence Interpretation  199
B Passage Interpretation  200
Reference Answers 202
A Sentence Interpretation  202
B Passage Interpretation  204
Section 3 Speaking Activities 205
A Specialized Terms  205
B Sample Conversation 205
C Functional Expressions  207
D Speaking Up  209
E Role-play  209
Reference Answer 210
A Specialized Terms  210
D Speaking Up  210

Attending the Event 參加展會
Section 1 Listening Activities 212
A Spot Dictation  212
B Multiple Choices  213
C Passage Dictation  215
Tape script & Answers: 216
A Spot Dictation  216
B Multiple Choices  216
C Passage Dictation  218
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 219
A Sentence Interpretation  219
B Passage Interpretation  220
Reference Answers 222
A Sentence Interpretation  222
B Passage Interpretation  223
Section 3 Speaking Activities 224
A Specialized Terms  224
B Sample Conversation 225
C Functional Expressions  226
D Speaking Up  226
E Role-play  227
Reference Answer: 228
A Specialized Terms  228
D Speaking Up  228

Chapter 14
Reserving Post Conference Tours 會後旅遊預訂
Section 1 Listening Activities 230
A Spot Dictation  230
B Multiple Choices  231
C Passage Dictation  233
Tape script & Answers: 233
A Spot Dictation  233
B Multiple Choices  234
C Passage Dictation  237
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 238
A Sentence Interpretation  238
B Passage Interpretation  238
Reference Answers 239
A Sentence Interpretation  239
B Passage Interpretation  240
Section 3 Speaking Activities 241
A Specialized Terms  241
B Sample Conversation 241
C Functional Expressions  242
D Speaking Up  242
E Role-play  243
Reference Answer 244
A Specialized Terms  244
D Speaking Up  244

Chapter 15
Event Review Meetings 會後總結
Section 1 Listening Activities 246
A Spot Dictation  246
B Multiple Choices  247
C Passage Dictation  249
Tape script & Answers 250
A Spot Dictation  250
B Multiple Choices  250
C Passage Dictation  252
Section 2 Interpretation Activities 253
A Sentence Interpretation  253
B Passage Interpretation  254
Reference Answers 254
A Sentence Interpretation  254
B Passage Interpretation  255
Section 3 Speaking Activities 256
A Specialized Terms  256
B Sample Conversation 257
C Functional Expressions  258
D Speaking Up  258
E Role-play  259
Reference Answer 259
A Specialized Terms  259
D Speaking Up  259



  • ISBN:9789577357199
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:平裝 / 260頁 / 17 x 23 x 1.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >









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